What is DMIT Test ?


As you know, the Indian education system, focuses more on cramming information in the minds of our children, rather than giving them true knowledge, which they can use to shape a successful career.

Our system also overlooks the specific learning needs of each child, who is unique, resulting in immense stress. Shockingly, above 12,000 students commit suicides in India due to exam related stress. This number is alarming and makes us wonder where our system is going wrong!!!!!!!

You, as parents need to take an active role in understanding the special intrinsic potential of your child, and design suitable learning methods around your child needs.

DMIT technique has been developed by scientists and research experts from World renowned universities and is based on knowledge from Genetics, Embryology, Dermatoglyphics, Psychology and Neuroscience.

Why do we use it?

Parents often misunderstand their children simply because they do not know their inborn characteristics (curious, aggressive, rebellious, persistent and etc.)

To understand and to develop an effective way to interact with your child based on their inborn communication style.

To understand and to develop an effective interaction method with your child.

For adults, DMIT can be used for self evaluation and compatibility with your spouse or business partner.

Discover your childs hidden talent & potential ?

Every child is unique and they possess different inborn talents. To use a scientifically proven method (up to 95% accuracy) to reveal a childs inborn potential (strength and weakness)

To give parents an insight into their child and to groom them effectively to the talents they possess. To enable parents to focus on their childs strength and to eliminate the guessing game on their talent.

Dermatoglyphics report is a very important guideline for a child to refer when choosing university major that best suit their inborn abilities and potential

After graduation, the dermatoglyphics report will again be helpful in giving recommendation to close their career path. As for adults, this test can be a very good reference for those who intend to make a career change, to venture into new business or to pick up new skill/education

What is Mid Brain Activation & Benefits ?

Mid-brain is the control device for the left and right brain. It is also the bridge and a key to open the subconscious. Mid-brain activation awakens the cerebrum’s potential power by highly effective methods to boost memory, reversal of stress, absorbing power and induction force and enable mental strength and so on. Ultimately this strengthened mental ability helps perform better academically.

Our training improvement in the followings.